Thursday, April 24, 2014

Cellular connected GPS tracker

I wanted to make it easier to track my mileage for work, so I decided to build a GPS tracker using some off-the-shelf parts.  I used a GPS enabled Skywire EVDO modem from NimbeLink and an Arduino to capture the GPS data and send it to the cloud(Exosite) over the Skywire cellular link.  I put together a detailed, step-by-step Instructable on how to do it so others can replicate.

Here is the picture of the complete, simple setup, before putting on my car.

Here is a screen capture of the map it produced after a day of driving:
Here is a link to the live dashboard


  1. I think this is an amazing project that serves an awesome purpose! I had a few questions that I sent to your Instructables account, under the username roseph4747. Please respond to with any advice or questions. Thank you and I hope to hear back from you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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